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Expressive Movement

Dear Friends of Touch Trust,

It’s Liberty here, I also go by the shorter version of Libby. When I was asked to share a short blog for the Touch Trust newsletter, the truth is, I found it quite a challenge! How could I condense my feelings, experiences and reflections of the inspiring people I work with weekly and find the words to describe the magnitude of such amazing connections with so many wonderful people?

For now, I will focus on the movement and dance element of the sessions and my experiences of their benefit to our guests, being of a dance background. I love how the Touch Trust sessions can help empower ALL of our guests to experience movement in some form. Dancing and movement are profound ways to express and provide multiple health and well-being benefits.

It is a platform for self-expression and self-development and is essential to aid communication, especially for those who may be nonverbal. Connecting through shared movement is so special.

Movement can be witnessed in sessions in lively, dynamic forms, controlled and guided or even in micro-movements. We help our guests to share their ‘sparkle’ in whichever way they choose. Guests develop confidence in sharing their movement; connections and friendships are made.

The benefits of movement and dancing are far-reaching for our guests, their families, carers, our team and provider communities. All let go of their initial inhibitions and find joy through movement. Pure elation is unmatched. Dilys referred to the session facilitators and care support as “Dancing Partners”. We are all dancing partners.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have made a little time for you to dance today!
